Unsere Zentralbanker können das Schuldenproblem nicht mit noch mehr Schulden lösen. Aktien-Schnäppchenjagd völlig unverständlich.
Gold will perform very well during the coming hyperinflationary period
Investors in most countries make the mistake of measuring their returns based on their home market and their domestic currency. This might have worked when they only had access to their local investment market. But that time is long gone. Now we have a global economy and most Westerners have access to securities worldwide. Still, […]
Will The Gold Initiative save the reputation of the Swiss Financial System?
So why is this referendum so important? Because Switzerland has, for hundreds of years, been a bastion of sound monetary policy and low inflation. But this has gradually changed especially since the Swiss government quietly removed the 40% gold backing from the revised Federal Constitution which was adopted by popular vote in 1999. And the FBI enquiry into the tax evasion of UBS clients in 2008 certainly did not do the Swiss financial system any favours. (…)