The Population of our Planet has reached in excess of 7 billion humans alive. Of this 7 billion, 2 billion are connected and have bank accounts with ATM and Credit Cards. They are also on fb and PayPal.
Those 2 billion are right now clicking their mouses and they are buying or accumulating Bitcoin or BTC, the new global currency without a Central Bank nor any borders. The other 5 billion plus will be the real driver though.
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Those 5 billion have no job, no roof, no social security, no bank accounts and no ATM and Credit Cards BUT they have Access to the Internet and Cell phones and it is those 5 billion humans (variation plus minus 50%) that absolutely need and can make best use of Bitcoin. The acceleration is happening now plus 3 years.
And here came Bitcoin making front pages @ USD 10’000 in early December 2017. Where will it go to? I say in 3 years 1 BTC @ USD 20 Million at least. BTC will stop rocketing @ 21 Million Bitcoin issued no more than that.
It is further proof that humanity can not escape the digitalisation, but it (humanity) will adapt to the disrupting tech that is advancing in to every corner of our lives. I think the art is to spot the next big thing and this is a daunting task as only a few racehorses will make the finishing line and that includes Bitcoin.
I see a potential of 2 to 20 Million Euro per Bitcoin in the next three years up to the final issue of 21 million Bitcoins. From there on the plateau of this new global currency without borders will be formed.
A hint to this is the denominations down to a Satoshi. Each unit of bitcoin, or 0.00000001 bitcoin, is called a Satoshi. A Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin. Today December 2017 a Satoshi represents only 0.00000001 BTC. At today’s price of 1 BTC at the time of writing of USD 18858.- a Satoshi is only worth 0.000188 USD Cent.
It is this very arithmetic Satoshi denomination that absolutely needs to reach a minimal FOREX value of 1 USD Cent only then it is complete. Hence, the Billion Dollar Hint is hidden within the logic question of all questions: Why create a Bitcoin that allows to be denominated down to a single 1 Satoshi?
Answer: Because 1 Bitcoin is designed to be worth at least 2 Million Euros, I tend to put the value to 20 million in 3 years as Bitcoin transcends into all corners of global payment. It has only just begun.
I bought at 10’000.– worth on a BTC recently this month in 2017 and I thought that it will be all lost, maxed out. And today I am so happy and I feel reconfirmed with the BTC price dynamics today @ 18’500.- USD (New Historic Record at Time of Writing). It will be at a high grade parabolic multiple from here on in my personal view(!) It is like Pure Alpha at its Best.
In short: You type today in 2017 into your Chrome browser the letter „f“, and you get Imagine, tomorrow, 2018 bis, you type the letter „b“ into your Chrome browser and you will get
Enjoy the ride. But also fasten Seat Belts. The trend can not be ignored, vector is up. Remember the rise of www going absolutely Global into all corners of our daily lives? Bitcoin is on its way and there is no stopping, the apocalypse of the final destruction of FIAT money has just begun.
And we all know and daily feel of the pain about the inflationary failure of FIAT money. The call for something completely new has merit, something new and more efficient had to replace it. Bitcoin will replace FIAT for good in my personal opinion.
„All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.“ Arthur Schopenhauer.
Kommentar zu Jürg Kradolfer Abbrechen
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Dear Banksters
Don‘t comment on centralised opinions.
Please just help yourself and buy bitcoins.
In the long run Fiat is dead! - is the goal !
Quote: „In short: You type today in 2017 into your Chrome browser the letter „f“, and you get Imagine, tomorrow, 2018 bis, you type the letter „b“ into your Chrome browser and you will get“
I’m sorry to say but your English is awful. You better have translating services do the job next time 😉
Thank God, your English is perfect 🙂
Merry Christmas & a Healthy Happy New Year 2018.
Pascal Najadi
Yes, fasten seat belts as the regulators are already designing measures to control the flows. E.g. Money laundering. As far as I know in close cooperation with IT security specialists.
What do BTC owners in Puerto Rico do? No electricity, Infrastructure is destroyed! So how dmuch worth are BTC’s? Nothing!
Bitcoin is simply unstoppable. We are here talking of a Very Large Supertanker on its way accelerating, its surely not decelerating, and this ship, BTC, is far greater than www. Go figure and enjoy.
How many do you have?
@Pascal Najadi: „I see a potential of 2 to 20 Million Euro per Bitcoin in the next three years up to the final issue of 21 million Bitcoins.“
You dreamer, you!
I doubt whether you really know what exactly Bitcoins are or how the system works. Also, as there are more users, paradoxically, the transaction fees do not decrease but increase! By hefty amounts, BTW. Also, do not forget that some 1,000 individuals (the „Bitcoin Wales“) have got a 40 % market share (whatever that means). What do you think will happen if only one of them dumps a substantial amount of Bitcoins? And regarding your book profit: How do you intend to get the cash equivalent once you will realize that book profit? Perhaps by then, regulatory measures yet to be introduced will render cash repayment impossible.
Anyway, here a Youtube video that should provide some insight into Bitcoin. Trust me: run, don’t walk, to watch this hilarious, clever four-minute „Daily Show“ segment on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Enjoy.
I googled Chang Coin but cannot find it. Do you know where I can buy?
I wonder how much energy is needed to run bitcoin if it should replace current currencies. Already today it uses vast amounts of energy, and its still very very far from becoming standard.
In my point of view, the society / governances will ban bitcoin when people realize what a waste of energy is connected to it…
Pascal Najadi is everywhere! Educating about BitCoin, orchestrating attacks on Credit Suisse and fighting the Malaysian regimen. I foresee many great things to come, keep up the good work!
Thank you Sir. Merry Christmas and a Healthy & Happy New Year to you and your family.
The Question is: what can you buy with 20 Millionen USD if the Bitcoin is that much high?
What is if Bitcoin isn’t a bubble?Maybe Bitcoin is a sign that the people loos confidence in the money system, central banks, politician, governments, you name it…
There will be a time, when the humanity is divided in to parts: those how own more than 1 Bitcoin and those how own less than 1 Bitcoin.
Those with more than one Bitcoin, will be the super rich and live the high life in places like Monaco and Bahamas. And those with less than one Bitcoin will be the wageworker.
Or maybee there is just too much cheap money around these days and people are greedy?
Theoretisch is das Potential von Bitcoin in der Tat riesig.
Was mich bei der ganzen Geschichte stört, ist die Absenz einer neutralen Analyse oder eines Audits all dieser Programme.
Kann mir jemand zeigen wie die Emissionslimite von 21 Millionen Bitcoins in den Programmen verankert ist? Wie ist die Aktivität der „Miners“ reguliert? Informatiker und Finanzanalysten bestätigen mir diese Qualitäten aber leider immer nr vom Hörensagen.
Eine solide „Due Diligence“ wäre hilfreich, wie sie im Fall Madoff hilfreich gewesen wäre.-
Lerne zu programmieren und schaue selbst nach. Das ist einer der grossen Vorteile von Open Source. Auch das „offizielle“ Währungssystem ist ja nicht wirklich einfach zu verstehen…
Der Vergleich mit Madoff hinkt, weil gar niemand versucht zu verstecken, wo die Gefahren dieses Systems liegen. Warum die Leute das irgnorieren ist eine andere Frage. Aber Anfang des Jahrtausends hat es auch keinen Interessiert, ob EM-TV jemals Geld verdienen kann.
Bitcoin, the intangible asset.
Bitcoin is no currency, no money, it’s a toy.Children like playing with toys.
Keep in mind:
The devil takes the hindmost. 🙂 -
„I see a potential of 2 to 20 Million Euro per Bitcoin in the next three years“
„I bought at 10’000.– worth on a BTC recently this month in 2017 and I thought that it will be all lost, maxed out.“
how can you write those two sentences in one commentary?
why did you buy so late and when you are that bullish and convinced why bother about 10k when it goes to 2-20mio?
all the best with that bet. i think BTC is a good old fashioned mania but i have no clue (yet) to what price it will go until it breaks. but i think it will be more like 30-100k.-
See, you have a clue. BULLISH!
To All BTC Sceptics out there, enjoy reading this latest news. The Bitcoin Industry is on its way big time.
Banks must Fear Bitcoin and its rapidly emerging services industry.
Bullshit, think first about what money really is and what important qualities it has compared to the Bitcoin nonsense and THEN – hopefully – you will figure out that Bitcoin is doomed to fail, no matter how much PR hype of stupid spin-doctors there is.
2018 will be the End of Bitcoin
Generation Bitcoin 😎😉
Zeigt wie ahnungslos der Schreiber ist bezüglich was Geld wirklich ist und wie es geschöpft wird, nämlich immer im Tausch gegen ein reales bzw. verbrieftes Asset und als Schuld des Geld-Emittenten. Damit ist er allerdings in guter Gesellschaft von wohl knapp 7 Milliarden Menschen auf dieser Welt! Da das Narrenspiel mit viel PR-Getöse nun eingesetzt hat, gibt es immer mehr Narren (inkl. Schweizer Steuerbehörden in einzelnen Kantonen…), die gegen Bitcoin echtes Geld, Waren und Dienstleistungen tauschen und nur so entsteht ein vermeintlicher Wert. – Zeigt die Blödheit der Menschheit auf und ein paar Hundert Bitcoiner, die den Grossteil der Coins kontrollieren, werden dadurch auf dem „Papier“ stinkreich, bis sie aussteigen.
Echtes Geld ist immer eine Schuld des Geldemittenten und nicht Vermögen bzw. liquide Mittel des Geldemittenten, wie das die SNB ( Chef Jordan) und der Bundesrat und die Vollgeld- Initianten behaupten..
So you agree, you also believe that Bitcoiners today will get „Stinkreich“(!) You have just confirmed the Trend Vector that is UP since inception. Enjoy the ride, Sir.
Ja hoi Marc; ich sehe das genau so wie du !! Bravo !!
@Pascal Najadi
Good morning
Bitcoins are FIAT money as well. I woud like to define FIAT money as money, which is booked out of the balance sheet of the issuer at the emitting process. Thus giving a profit to the issuer (seigniorage). It creates equity for the issuer.
Real Money is a liability of the issuer. As a liability it is having an intrinsic value. It is booked into the balance sheet at the liability side of the issuer at the time of issuing. There is no seigniorage. It is foreign capital of the issuer.
We have catastrophic errors in economic theory today pretending that central money is Fiat money – which is not true. Even central banker themselves pretend this error.
As a result, Bitcoins are sold as a substitute to central bank money. However, it never can replace central bank money at it is pure fiat money without intrinsic value.
Tulips in Holland rose to 60 times of an average year-salary.
Therefore I agree with you, that Bitcoins may rise into 7 digits-numbers.
We will see.
Certain only is, that it will collapse sooner or later.
Kind regards
Marc Meyer
Dear Mr. Meyer,
Thank you for your comment. Only difference in my view (to „Tulips“) is that today in 2017, Bitcoin is now part of a fast emerging Bitcoin industry. And as usual everyone wants to be part of it. Lastly it (BTC) blends in very well with the current global digitalisation that has taken the driver seat in our lives since the 1990’s. Or in other words, one can not afford in 2017 / 18 not to be part of BTC’s rise. Even if such investment is „only“ a few hundred USD in BTC. History will tell….
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Pascal Najadi
Dear Mr. Meyer, Thank you for your comment. Only difference in my view (to "Tulips") is that today in 2017,…
So you agree, you also believe that Bitcoiners today will get "Stinkreich"(!) You have just confirmed the Trend Vector that…
Banks must Fear Bitcoin and its rapidly emerging services industry.