Auf Zinssenkung folgt Quantitative Easing – Währungskollaps, zuvor Aktien, Gold, Kryptos durch Decke – Franken: goldähnlich.
Die absehbaren Entwicklungen der Finanz- und Währungsmärkte

Auf Zinssenkung folgt Quantitative Easing – Währungskollaps, zuvor Aktien, Gold, Kryptos durch Decke – Franken: goldähnlich.
I recently read the published version of an interview given by Doug Casey, author of a book titled „Surviving FedCoin“. In that interview, he makes a number of rather harrowing predictions regarding the US – and therefore ultimately worldwide – financial and/or currency system. [simple-google-ads-ad-tag id=“ip_content_banner“] I have not read his book. But his idea that […]
Over the last few months, I have increasingly wondered about two things: Firstly, the ECB’s commitment to purchase the equivalent of 80 billion euros monthly of government and commercial (I suppose bank) debt, apparently again „for as long as it takes“. And, secondly, the total non-concern displayed by the political and financial world in the […]